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Kornos - See on Map

The village got its name from the fountain that existed in the settlement and its plentiful waters.



The village got its name from the fountain that existed in the settlement and its plentiful waters. There is a aspect that the name was derived from the settlement Kourouni of Agios Dimitrios. Many benefactors of the island, mainly Egyptians migrants come from Limnos. Best known was Ulysses J. Pantelides, who gave the money for the purchase of Pantelideio.

Not far from Kornos we find Therma with its healing, hot springs. The water in Therma is welling from two sources. It comes from a depth of 1200 meters and has a temperature of 42-44 degrees. It's healing and is recommended for both balneotherapy (arthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatism, arthritis, spondylitis) and for drinking therapy (kidney stones, gallstones). It contains minimal amount of salts,it is clear and palatable. In Therma there were operated baths since at least 1548. It is mentioned by Belon that in that time, there was a small changing room room and a vaulted chamber with a stone bathtub, which survive today in newer buildings. In a map which accompanies an edition of 1588, a road is marked that connected Kastro with Thermes and the nearby hill of Profitis Elias. This road, which continued to the eastern Limnos, was in use until the early postwar years when a realignment was made. Today the water of the source is used for drinking by many Lemnians, who flock there and fill up their flasks from the old fountains which were built in 1908.   



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