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Angariones - See on Map

In 1396, in a codex of the Pantokratoros Monastery, the village is mentioned in the form Kariones.


Το  In 1396, in a codex of the Pantokratoros Monastery, the village is mentioned in the form Kariones, which led some people to believe that owes its name to the existence of karyes, although there are not walnut trees in the area. North of Agkariones, is situated the region Laktovoidi, which is marked in a golden bull of 1355 as property of the Monastery of Philotheou. Later the place was a Turkish manor, which was taken over by wealthy Egyptians. In 1858, Conze visited Angariones and found pieces of marble in a garden with shady trees. Today, there are only the chapels of Agios Athanasios and Agia Paraskevi . The chapel of Agia Paraskevi incorporates marble parts on its walls with the inscription: " ANTONIOS VELISARIDIS OWNS THE LAND AVGOUST 20 ... 192 ..." In the interior there is a picture of 1858, painted by Efstratios Imvrios.



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